I have been using my Sweet Sweat waist trimmer for two months and am finally ready to share my review. In order to have an accurate review and to see true results, I wanted to use the trimmer for a sufficient amount of time before sharing my thoughts. In purchasing this trimmer I had hopes to tone my midsection and to loose some of the extra fat I felt that I have not been able to get rid of since giving birth. Keep reading to see my thoughts and results.
This waist trimmer is made of a soft, stretchy material making it very comfortable to wear and because of the placement of the velcro there is no chance for digging or irritation. Because I have never used a product like this before, I was under the impression that it would be restricting during certain movements, but that is not the case at all. I have performed all of my usual exercises, including burpees and mountain climbers, wearing this product with no problems whatsoever.
I must also mention that I have seen and heard reviews about this product causing irritation or breaking people’s skin out, but that was not the case for me at all. In the directions it says to wipe off your stomach and the band with a wet cloth after each exercise and I have been doing so, which might be why I am not seeing any of this irritation occur.
It is no wonder this product is called the Sweet Sweat, because it makes me sweat like crazy! Even on low intensity days, where I am only doing a brisk walk, there is so much perspiration, and don’t even get me started on high intensity days! I sweat so much that my pants are are soaked by the end of my session and it literally looks like someone splashed me with water. That alone made me very hopeful that this product was going to make at least a small difference in my midsection.
After using this product for two months, I have noticed a pretty significant difference in my “love handles” area. I not only have noticed this difference in how my swimming suits and clothes fit, but I can also see a slight change in the before and after pictures that I captured as well. This is definitely what I would have considered a problem area for myself so I am so excited that it has shown some results. Other than that I have a pretty toned lower abdomen, so there has been no significant change in that area.
I am so happy I purchased this waist trimmer! It has made a difference in my biggest area of concern and I am so happy, especially with swimsuit season coming up! I highly recommend this product for any man or woman who has concerns or problem areas in their midsection. This trimmer is especially helpful for women who are trying to bounce back after pregnancy. It is super affordable and is an easy addition to any exercise regimen. I wish I would have purchased this sooner!
I hope you guys enjoyed my Sweet Sweat Review! Please email me with any questions!
XO, Dara
If you are curious as to what my other workout essentials are, check out this POST!